Omit needless words is straight to the point. Anyone who has played splatoon will immediatly understand the website and it's contents.

Design for scanning

The xampp website is well designed for scanning. The navigation, search bar, and download buttons all stand out due to the color choices, related content is clearly grouped, and the font sizes and weights correspond with the signifigance of the text.

The homepage should show what the website has to offer

The home page of has a banner that explains what it is and a demo of the api. It also has a section for what is this and where do I start.

Navigation should be easy

The ccit website is difficult to navigate. It can be difficult to figure out where you are on the site and where the navigation is located on the screen changes on different pages. It can also be difficult to find what you are looking for.

Design for scanning

The LLOUD website is very flashy, but this unfortunately can make it harder for users to scan it at a glance.


The homepage should show what the website has to offer

The home page of does explain what the website is. It only breifly mentions the best feature of the site, talk to a duck.